Stitching for Survival

The South Devon Stitchers' Endangered Species Panels, a captivating testament to the power of craftivism, were meticulously crafted during lockdown as a collective endeavour to spotlight a critical environmental issue—local endangered species. This initiative, born from a shared desire to harness their creative prowess for ecological awareness, has culminated in an extraordinary exhibition that traverses the region, igniting conversations around climate change and its detrimental impacts on local wildlife.

Comprising three panels and depicting 48 species in striking detail, the exhibit is not just a visual feast but an educational journey, inviting viewers to delve into the fragile beauty of South Devon's natural inhabitants. Each piece, crafted to be anatomically accurate and intentionally larger than life, allows for an immersive experience, drawing onlookers closer into the intricate world of these endangered beings. The Stitchers' commitment to authenticity was supported by local nature organisations and photographers, who provided photographs to ensure the highest fidelity in representation.

You'll have the opportunity to witness their creations first-hand by visiting Stand 129, where the panels will be prominently displayed.


Crafting Excellence Returns to Craft4Crafters


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