Cruelty Free Yarn

Avec Along Anna is a small company who believes in sustainable and fair sourcing of their materials who will be exhibiting at the show. They will be selling a wide range of ethical yarn, unique patterns, and custom accessories, perfect for both beginners and experts alike.

They started in 2017, with a mission to help knitting play a creative, calming, confidence-building and all round positive role in people’s lives they are doing this by placing accessibility and sustainability at the forefront of everything they do.

Their natural fibre bases are entirely cruelty free and certified and they took care to work with spinning mills that respects animals, humans and their surroundings.

Authentic, accessible, sustainable and creative, their approach is both human and educational. It is based on step by step, detailed patterns and accessible to as many people as possible. Their newest designs are all size inclusive, and the old ones are currently reviewed to include more sizes.

Visit Ravelry and website : WWW.ALONGAVECANNA.COM in English and French. Their best-sellers are available in Danish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and soon in Spanish.



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