FLOCKS TO FLIGHT -An Interactive Display

When we crafted "Alice in Wonderwool," we recognised, with a touch of sorrow, that visitors couldn't engage tactilely with the display, given the meticulous positioning of each item. This realisation ignited a spark. We set out with enthusiasm to design an exhibit inviting touch, interaction, and play. Thus, "Flock to Flights" was conceived.

Janna Turner, Alex Johnstone, have been passionately working on this project with collaborations from fellow felter, and dear friend Deborah Taylor-Dyer. Their theme revolves around birds, and this interactive exhibit beckons you to pull cords, turn wheels, and immerse yourself in playful activities. Feel free to capture moments with your camera, rekindling the joy of your inner child. The girls warmly invite you to join them this October and revel in the experience.

“The air ambulance holds a special place in our hearts.” Says Janna “After all, we never truly know when we might require their services—though we hope we never do.” They are once again seeking donations to help contribute to this essential service.

“Our Alice display garnered close to £5,000 from its showcases throughout England. With your invaluable support, we aspire to match or even surpass that amount. Every contribution makes a difference, and we're grateful for your continued backing.”


A Self-Made Catwalk Experience